ClinOme -- a User Friendly Computational Tool to Generate
Automated Clinical Reports from Raw NGS Data

We have developed ClinOme, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) based automated tool for analysis of raw NGS data followed by comprehensive clinical report generation. ClinOme automates quality check, primary, secondary and tertiary analysis of raw NGS data followed by generation of report that can be easily understandable by the clinician. It integrates the therapeutic guideline available through FDA/NCCN guidelines, NCBI, MSKCC, Washington University, Illumina and other resources. It provides easy to interpret categorization of genomic alterations along with approved as well as experimental therapeutic options for each responsive and resistant genotype-drug combination. The output of ClinOme analysis consist of a report with detailed patient centric genotype to help design informed therapeutic option. The output report also consists links to the specific ongoing clinical trials, gene wise coverage statistics and allelic frequency of the genomic variant.